via Rocca Priora, 27 00179 - Roma


06 8365 7935

393 9583 777


PIVA 14880871000

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frese acciaio, frese, frese per orato, frese hh

Frese HH 0,9 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,0 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,1 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,2 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,3 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,4 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,5 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,6 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,7 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,8 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 1,9 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 2,0 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 2,1 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 2,2 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 2,3 NewCondition 2.45
In Stock
Frese HH 2,4 NewCondition 3.85
In Stock
Frese HH 2,5 NewCondition 3.85
In Stock

Le frese HH sono largamente usate dagli incassatori per "tagliare" il metallo quando si devono realizzare i pavè.

NewCondition 0.00
In Stock
NewCondition 5.00
In Stock

NewCondition 2.64
In Stock
NewCondition 5.61
In Stock

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